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Other Solid Fertilisers

BioLime is a blend of lime, fish nutrient and a small quantity of composted saw dust that is inoculated with beneficial bacteria and fungi. Learn more.  

Biofert TE contains phosphate rock and lime with additional fish nutrient to provide trace elements for soil, plant and animal health. Learn more.

BioFert Complete takes the range of attributes and values of the Pacific BioFert range into one easy to use solid fertiliser blend. Learn more.

BioFert Pasture is what you only need to maintain your dryland pasture cover during current global pricing. Learn more.

Sulphur Prills contains 90% fine elemental sulphur particles. Elemental sulphur is resistant to leaching and provides a longer-term supply of S to the soil. Learn more.

Kieserite is a naturally occurring mineral that provides a rapid source of magnesium and sulphur. Learn more.

Dolomite occurs as a natural rock deposit in New Zealand and is a major source of magnesium and calcium. The liming effect of dolomite increases pH 1.66× more than typical lime. It is resistant to leaching and gradually breaks down at a rate that matches plant requirements. Learn more.